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法国VivaTech 2019科技大会举行
来源:视觉中国   作者:Marlene Awaad Bloomberg ALAIN JOCARD   2019-05-17 10:09:00
当地时间5月16日,在法国巴黎, Vivatech创业创新会议举行。Viva Tech是法国每年一度不容错过的创新高科技展盛会。

  当地时间2019年5月16日,在法国巴黎,Vivatech创业创新会议举行。Viva Tech是法国每年一度不容错过的创新高科技展盛会。(图片作者:Marlene Awaad/Bloomberg/ALAIN JOCARD/视觉中国)

  Donald Trumps latest offensive against Chinas Huawei Technologies Co. puts Europe in an even bigger bind over which side to pick, but Macron is holding the line. (Photographer: Marlene Awaad/Bloomberg/ALAIN JOCARD via Getty Images)


Stephane Richard, chief executive officer of Orange SA, speaks at the Viva Technology conference


People talk at the stand of the US multinational information technology company International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)


Logos of the Chinese telecome group Huawei is diplayed during the Vivatech startups and innovation fair

