江苏国际在线 > 苏眼环球
来源:视觉中国   作者:SWNS   2019-01-15 09:14:00

  2019年1月(具体拍摄时间不详),英国北德文郡,一个叫埃莉卡特的女生从她能开口说话以来,就一直梦想着独自飞行,本周她成功做到了,成为英国最年轻的女滑翔机飞行员。14岁的埃莉卡特多年来一直痴迷于飞行,几年前,她写信给一年一度的英国皇家国际航空展,询问她最喜欢的U2间谍机是否会出现在航空展上,并因此登上了头条新闻。埃莉的第一次单独飞行是在2016年11月28日星期一,从霍尼顿附近的北山机场起飞。这名就读于南莫顿社区学院的年轻人,在周一的飞行之后,更下定决心成为一名飞行员。她说:我喜欢单飞。我从不害怕,我喜欢掌控一切,飞行时保持冷静很重要。埃莉一直痴迷于飞行及其背后的科学,她表示如果她早点出生,我想我会是第一批女飞行员之一。她在2012年提出看一架U2间谍飞机的请求之后,被英国皇家空军费尔福德(Raf Fairford)的表演负责人接走了,于是埃莉获得一次机会坐在一辆时速约120英里的追逐车上,试图赶上一架正在着陆的U-2飞机。图片作者:SWNS/视觉中国

  FILE PHOTO Ellie Carter during a flying lesson. See SWNS story SWGLIDER; FLYING solo has been the dream of a North Devon schoolgirl since she could talk and this week she did it, becoming the UKa??s youngest female glider pilot. Ellie Carter, 14, of Torrington has been obsessed with flying for years and hit the headlines a few years ago after writing to the Royal International Air Tattoo, a special aerospace event held every year, to ask if her favourite plane, the U2 spy plane, would be there. Elliea??s first solo flight was on Monday, November 28, from North Hill Airfield near Honiton. The youngster, who attends South Molton Community College, is even more determined to achieve her dream job as a test pilot after Mondaya??s flight. She said: a??I loved flying solo. I never get scared, I love being in control and ita??s important to stay calm while flying, ita??s safer. a??Ia??ve always been obsessed with flying, the science behind it, and if I had been born earlier I think I would have been one of the first female aviators. a??To be honest Monday felt like any other flight to me, it didna??t make much of a difference being on my own.a?? Her plea to see a U2 spy plane in 2012 was picked up by show chiefs at RAF Fairford who gave her the opportunity to sit in a chase car travelling at approximately 120mph as it attempted to keep up with a landing U-2 plane.

