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  Vicar George Brigham (right) conducts the marriage ceremony of Darren McWalters and Katie Hodgson over Gloucestershire.

  2018年7月24日讯(具体拍摄时间不详),38岁的Patrick Russel和36岁的Melanie Ilemsky举行空中婚礼玩高空跳伞。Patrick和Melanie相识于纽约的跳伞空降区,因彼此都是跳伞爱好者,他们决定在交往一周年纪念日当天举办刺激酷炫的空中跳伞婚礼。由于升空的热气球最多只能容纳十个人,他们只邀请了家人和最亲近的朋友一同见证这桩喜事。为了行动方便,新娘Melanie将自己的短款“婚纱”与跳伞装备完美结合。新娘的妈妈Tetiana Cymbal被任命为牧师,这样她就可以在热气球上主持这场婚礼了。

  This amazing footage shows the moment an adrenaline-junkie couple skydived from a hot air balloon after tying the knot - in front of guests packed into the basket. See story SWJUMP. Patrick Russell, 38, and Melanie Ilemsky, 36, decided to have an airborne wedding due to their shared love of skydiving. The couple met at a skydive drop zone in New York and knew each other for two years before they got married, on their one-year anniversary. They invited only a few close friends and family as only ten people could fit in the hot air balloon. Melanie had her dress, which cost $20 from Amazon, especially adapted to incorporate her skydiving rig. Her mother, Tetiana Cymbal, was ordained so she could carry out the intimate ceremony - which was also the first time she had been in a hot air balloon.



  Chris Bull, 37, (left) kisses Phoebe Baker's, 25, (right) hand as they balance in the middle of a high wire at Wookey Hole Caves near Wells, Somerset, England. May 1 2015. Chris Bull, 37, and Phoebe Baker, 25, got married in the caves having both walked the high wire, meeting in the middle.


