波兰Grzegorz Karnas Quintet爵士乐队
2016-08-08 16:43:00  来源:江苏国际在线


   格泽高滋· 卡纳斯,生于波兰上西里西亚的一个没有音乐传统的家庭。他在中学读过一年的古典吉他课程,后毕业于卡托维兹音乐学校爵士音乐系,这是一所被认为是波兰及周边国家中最富盛名的音乐学校。 卡纳斯一向与波兰爵士圈的一线年轻艺术家合作。1998年,他在波兰历史最悠久、且最具声望的国际爵士歌手竞赛中获一等奖。 次年,他发表了他的首张专辑 “Reinkarnasja”,并在波兰和斯洛伐克进行了巡回演出。 2004年夏天,格泽高滋·卡纳斯的自创专辑《九层楼的幻想》露面,并在波兰、斯洛伐克、捷克、德国、罗马尼亚参与了一系列的俱乐部酒吧及音乐节演出。新专辑《世界尽头的诗歌》 于2006年4月发行,音乐会及项目的推广持续到了2007年,期间他的足迹遍及比利时、法国、德国和其他欧洲国家。2006年,卡纳斯在比利时获得青年爵士歌手竞赛一等奖。2007年8月,他在法国赢得了国际山顶爵士声乐比赛。与此同时,他在家乡Żory主办了自己的国际音乐节:Voicingers。音乐节着眼于推动全世界的年轻爵士音乐家的发展。 2009年,格泽高滋·卡纳斯五重奏组合 作为波兰的官方代表之一,参加了世界最具影响力之一的爵士音乐盛会——伦敦爵士音乐节。2010年,卡纳斯 与捷克的“Hevhetia”公司签约,发行并推广了他的同名新专辑《卡纳斯》。2011年,他与匈牙利布达佩斯音乐中心旗下的唱片公司签约,发表了卡纳斯的现场专辑《声音明珠》。

  Singer born in Upper Silesia, Poland, to a family devoid of musical traditions. Karnas has worked with Poland's jazz legends as well as top-line artists of Europe’s jazz scene. In 2006 and 2007 he was awarded Grand Prix of jazz vocal competitions in Bruxelles and Crest, France. His being noticed by juries, journalists and audiences gave way to his band's touring in many corners of the world just to mention France, Germany, Norway, Ukraine, Great Britain, Romania, Moldova, Belgium, Morocco, Denmark, Hungary, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Azerbaijan, Vietnam or China including appearances at major jazz events such as London Jazz Festival. Since 2008 Karnas has been the spiritus movens of Intercultural Gathering for Creativity, Expression and Music “Voicingers” – an event contributing to both promotion of jazz singers at the very beginning of their international careers as well as music education for nonprofessionals. His album under the title “KARNAS” was released in 2011 by a Slovak label Hevhetia and his live performances from Budapest became succesful releases under a Hungarian label BMC Records as AUDIO BEADS (2012) and VANGA (2014) making Karnas a distinctive element of European jazz scene. Unrealised Roman, English and Arabic philologist, graduate of the Jazz Institute at the Katowice Academy of Music - considered prestigious in Eastern Europe. Winner of awards at various jazz competitions, music producer. Performing record includes appearances at numerous clubs and concert venues throughout Europe (including Poland). Lover of freedom of expression, observer of the nature of extremes of every type. A silent analyst of their consequences.



