欧美联合The Zoo爵士乐队
2016-08-08 16:21:00  来源:江苏国际在线


  "The Zoo"乐队名起源于一群每周都会观看他们演出的乐坛的音乐迷们。乐队成员性格各异,就如同是动物园里不同的动物一样。每个成员内心都拥有非比寻常的特质和独一无二的天性。乐队将爵士,弗拉门戈,蓝调和世界音乐融为一体,形成一种独特有趣的音乐风格。无论是想要放松身心,享受极致的听觉盛宴,还是领略充满异域风情的诱人节奏。"The Zoo"为您演奏丰富精彩且激动人心的乐曲。

  Simon Olive,西蒙·奥利弗来自英国伦敦,是乐队主要的吉他手之一;专科出生的他作为一个爵士音乐人,讲究即兴,以具有摇摆特点的Shuffle节奏为基础,至今为止一生的时候都献给了音乐,并且在世界各地参加过演出,有着丰富的表演经验;他享受在现场演奏音乐的感觉,那是一种无限的能量;和"The Zoo"一起广为传播他们的音乐和创作,是他的梦想。


  Karl Jahnke,卡尔·杨克来自美国的芝加哥,是一个典型的美国大男孩;作为乐队的鼓手,卡尔从小的时候开始就一直学习音乐,具备既典型又独特的美国风格,至今成为一名音乐家;在他生活的城市南京,一些西餐厅和酒吧钦点他为其演奏;在表演中他试图把快乐带给观众和来自世界各地的朋友;他通过音乐和乐队一起传播欢乐和友谊。

  "The Zoo" got its name from the audiences at their weekly performances on the music scene.The personalities of its members are as different as animals in a zoo.People believes that inside us all are very special traits and our own unique natural spirit. "The Zoo" combines the spirit of Jazz, Flamenco,Blues & World Music into an unique and entertaining blend. Whether it's relaxed easy listening or tantalizing exotic rhythms "The Zoo" provides a wide range of exciting entertainment that is sure to satisfy.

  Simon Oliver comes from London, England. He plays guitar for The Zoo. As a music major he has played music all his life and has performed all over the world. He believes the energy of live performance is the greatest feeling. Together with the Zoo, it is his dream to spread their music far and wide.

  Aaron,borned and raised in Brussels, Belgium. He has been playing guitar for 10 years combining styles such as Flamenco, Bossa Nova and Funk. Being part of The Zoo made him the opportunity to create music together with experienced musicians in a professional and exciting way. Sharing their music and enthusiasm with an audience is the best experience.

  Karl Jahnke comes from Chicago, USA.He plays percussion or The Zoo. He is a musician since childhood and regular Restaurant & Bar entertainer. In performances he trys to bring happiness to the audience and connect with people from around the world. Through music he hopes to spread joy & friendship.



