荷兰Paul van Kemenade爵士乐队
2015-09-06 17:03:00  来源:中国江苏网

  1974年,13岁的Paul van Kemenade进入荷兰北布拉班省的蒂尔堡音乐学院学习音乐/萨克斯管,1980年在阿姆斯特丹完成了最后一年的学习。在1976年到1980年间,他在夜总会、歌舞厅等地方演出。1977年他开始即兴创作音乐,并组建了乐队演奏自己的作品。他曾与许多乐队合作演出,以及以不同名字命名的不同乐队。在此期间,他曾与舞者、大乐队、作曲家、演员、诗人、画家一起合作。此外,他还曾经与多支乐队合作演奏音乐,包括:De Orkaan­ (Han Bennink ­与Sean Bergin)、由Alex Von Schlippenbach­领导的Berlin Contemporary 爵士乐团、日本Aki Takase乐队等,八十年代末九十年代初,他在Herman de Wit的De Boven-toon管弦乐团中担任特邀指挥,同时他本人也参与了很多专辑的演奏。在这20年间,他指导全国上百个乐队,并且指挥他自己的管弦乐队Brabants Leerorkest五年。在1985-2005年间,他在Willem van Manen的现代大型爵士乐队中担任首席高音。他专注于五重奏演出27年,与很多的乐队/歌手都有过合作,包括铜管乐队、流行音乐团体、交响乐团、南非/西非的音乐人以及来自世界各地的演奏嘉宾。所获荣誉:1984年SJIN指挥奖(荷兰爵士基金会)1998年爵士Duketown奖1999年蒂尔堡Moderne Industriestad奖 1999年VPRO/Boy Edga奖(颁给荷兰专业爵士音乐家以表彰他们对荷兰爵士乐的贡献); 2007年皇家奖章(荷兰皇室勋章) 2008年安东尼KOK艺术奖(艺术奖)

  At the age of 13 and started in 1974 to study music/saxophone at the Brabants Conservatory Tilburg and the last year in 1980 in Amsterdam. In 1976 he started to play in a cabaretshow and in dance/nightclubs untill 1980. In 1977 he started with improvisation music and initiates own bands and projects playing his own compositions. He performed with different bands such as: Van Ros­sum/Van Kemenade­, Palinckx & Palinckx, the Podium Trio,Vaalbleek by Niko Langenhuijsen­, Brevis, different projects  under own name and he has performed with dance-projects, big bands, writers, performers and poets and painters. He played with De Orkaan­ (Han Bennink ­and Sean Bergin), the Berlin Contemporary Jazz Orchestra by Alex Von Schlippenbach­ (Kenny Wheeler-Ed Thig­pen-Benny Bailey-Gerd Dudek), played with the Surinam Music Ensemble, with Japanese Aki Takase, Bizar Habit, Eric van der Westen octet, with John Engels, Jasper van ‘t Hof, Eric Vloeimans. End of the eighties and beginning nineties: guest co-leadership with Herman de Wit’s workshop-orchestra De Boven­toon and he played in a lot of ad hoc ensembles. During 20 years (1979 – 1999) he tought hundreds of workshops throug­hout the whole country and conducted his workshoporchestra Brabants Leerorkest for five years. From 1985-2005 he played leadalto in Willem van Manen’s modern big band Contraband and worked 27 years   with his own quintet and performed with brass bands, popgroups, symphonic orchestras, with South- and West African musicians and with guest musicians from all around the world. 1984 Podium Prijs of the SJIN, ­the Dutch Jazz Foundation; 1998 Jazz in Duketown Award; 1999 Moderne Industriestad Prijs Tilburg; 1999 VPRO /B­oy Edgar Prijs oeuvre award for professional jazzmusicians in the Netherlands for their contribution to Dutch jazzmusic; 2007a Royal decoration ( lid in de Orde van Oranje Nassau ); 2008 Antony Kok Art award ( award for the arts)




