加拿大Company B爵士乐队
2015-09-06 17:05:00  来源:中国江苏网

  Company B爵士乐队是加拿大温哥华一流的弦乐组合。 这个六人组合由女声三重奏,单簧管/萨克斯,吉他,低音大提琴手构成。乐队自2007起即为广大民众演出,展示他们紧凑的协奏风格, 充满想象力的编排,清晰的既视感与令人着迷的音乐智慧。迄今为止,乐队已发行了3张专辑,他们的演出足迹遍布加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省与美国。

  乐队成员相识于卡皮拉诺大学爵士乐专业,在这里他们通过系统训练,打下了坚实的现代爵士乐基础。基于对过去爵士乐历史的浓厚兴趣,乐队成员聆听了美国著名的安德鲁斯姐妹组合与鲍威尔组合的专辑后就爱上了她们的音乐,并誓要继承和发扬这类摇摆乐的声音与精神,同时混入自己的个性。她们的音乐,除开她们自己的部分,都是爵士乐的经典。 经过7年的演出合作,乐队在大温哥华地区摇摆乐与舞蹈届获得了很高的知名度,她们在各地演唱会、音乐节上的表现成功感染了观众,尤其在著名的温哥华Chan表演艺术中心、TD温哥华国际爵士音乐节,加州萨克拉门托音乐节上的演出最为成功。乐队的音乐频繁在CBC电台1,2台,Hot Air, 加拿大现场, Stuart McLean’s Vinyl café, 2012-2014大不列颠哥伦比亚食品银行日上演出,以及与Leoni男子合唱团和Maestro Bramwell Tovey合作演出。最近,乐队被邀请参加美国新奥尔良市Boswell Sisters纪念音乐会,该音乐会由Vet Boswell孙女组织,只有三支世界上顶级的女声三重奏乐队获邀参加。该活动在互联网上进行了直播,同时著名的华尔街日报对其进行了报道,并介绍了参与演出的Company B乐队。迄今为止,Company B爵士乐队共发型了3张专辑 – Company B爵士乐队(2009), 摇滚(2011), 和Company B的圣诞节(2013)。 Company B爵士乐队将一如既往地坚持她们的音乐之路,同时为她们的音乐未来欢欣鼓舞!

  Company B Jazz Band of Canada

  Company B Jazz Band is Vancouver’s foremost vintage jazz harmony group, featuring a female vocal trio (à la the Andrews and Boswell Sisters) with clarinet/sax, guitar, and upright bass. They are acclaimed for their tight blend, driving rhythms and creative arrangements, and in their 7 years together have delighted audiences of all types not just with their musicality, but also with their sharp image and charming wit. Since their inception in 2007, Company B Jazz Band has become one of the most sought-after acts in the Pacific Northwest's thriving swing dance community. They have played notable concert venues and music festivals such as Vancouver’s Chan Centre for the Performing Arts, the Sacramento Jazz Festival in California, and the TD Vancouver

  International Jazz Festival many years running. Most recently, Company B was invited to play at the Old US Mint in New Orleans, Louisiana, for a sold-out concert featuring an elite selection of 3-part harmony jazz groups from across the globe, reviewed by the Wall Street Journal. The group enjoys frequent airplay on CBC Radio 1 & 2, having been featured on Hot Air, Canada Live, Stuart McLean’s Vinyl Café, and in live broadcasts on The Early Edition. The group has released 3 albums and has performed all over British Columbia and the USA.



