2014-08-05 16:40:00  来源:中国江苏网


                                                           法国CHOLET TRIO爵士乐队

  CHOLET TRIO 乐队为了纪念10周年和第6张专辑的发行,已经在欧洲进行了多次巡演。去年夏天,他们创建了一个新方案,明年春天,将发行一张新的专辑。因此他们经常在法国,德国,奥地利和瑞士等地进行演出和旅游。他们还将去突尼斯参加一个爵士与传统阿拉伯音乐的跨界演出。他们很荣幸收到了德国NDR电视台总监Stefan Gerdes的邀请,将在12月份的时候与非常有名的NDR-Choir一起为这个项目进行三场音乐会。Cholet, Känzig 和 Papaux (re)相遇在2002年的钢琴音乐会。他们早就在其他音乐家的项目中合作了很多年(如Claudio Pontiggia Sextet, Il Trio, Diagonal, Olivier Ker Ourio, Matthieu Michel…)。然后,他们很自然的朝着一个共同的声音和作品发展。Jean-Christophe Cholet是一个非同凡响的钢琴家和作曲家,他将听觉,复杂的和声,明朗的旋律和微妙的艺术,以及丰富的音色巧妙结合起来。Heiri Känzig和Marcel Papaux创作出了欧洲最完美的韵律。凝聚力是这三个的人的座右铭,引人注目的旋律神韵以及感性的和音,都能在循环和不均衡的旋律中找到节奏的平衡点。强大而细腻的击鼓,深邃的低音贝司点缀出了钢琴的微妙和轻盈感。Cholet表现力丰富的钢琴演奏,Känzig迷人而精准的音调,Papaux灵活而完美的节奏,三者完美融合,同时又开启了一种新的音乐氛围。三个音乐家表现出来的自信,不管任何人取代了他们谁的位置,都能快乐的享受这美妙的音乐。

  Cholet, Känzig and Papaux (re)met in 2002 around the pianist's music. They had already worked together in other musicians' projects for many years (Claudio Pontiggia Sextet, Il Trio, Diagonal, Oivier Ker Ourio, Matthieu Michel…). Jean-Christophe Cholet is an extraordinary, unclassifiable pianist and composer, who combines listening, harmonic sophistication, marked sense of melody and the art of nuance and richness of timbres. Heiri Känzig and Marcel Papaux build one of the best rhythmic sections in Europe, characterized by their own exceptional consciousness of sound Cohesion is the motto of this trio where striking melodic verve and harmonic sensibility find a balance with a huge rhythmic work made of loops and uneven meters. A strong and delicate drum playing, with a deep and large double bass complete the piano subtleness and lightness. Cholet's expressive and colourful piano playing, Känzig's captivating and precise sounds, Papaux's smart and faultless rhythms join together in an atmosphere that is at same time withdrawn and completely open to the world. The obvious confidence between the three musicians allows each one to take his place with a great pleasure to play together. After more than ten years work, a new musical orientation is emerging, more organic and more orchestral, made of compositions and of completely improvised pieces. Listening is becoming sharper and reflexes naturally converge into a fully mastered universe where the frontier between formal and instant compositions gradually shrinks.



