2013-09-25 13:42:00  来源:中国江苏网


   In 2005, a group of innovative young musicians, some trained in jazz and some in traditional Chinese music, came together to become – Sizhukong! This unique combo is astonishing in every sense, from its line-up to its music, which makes it a perfect example of Taiwanese jazz. From Taiwan’s top concert venues to Shanghai to Korea and all the way to Lithuania and Canada, Sizhukong has dazzled audiences worldwide with its unconventional combination of musicianship and daring. “Sizhukong” means “Silk, Bamboo, Open” and originally refers to a pressure point near the temples.  A few light touches will relieve headaches, dizziness, and all sorts of aches.  To get from the silk and bamboo of our musical instruments to the openness of our music, imagine a lone knight who swoops to the rescue from high in the mountain passes.  Imagine listening to an impenetrable language that calls up visions before your eyes. Sizhukong is a band, or a vision.  We chose this name to bring together as one the material of our instruments and the vast, all-encompassing power of the empty.  May our music touch you and bring you healing! 



