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Dominic Landry:此心安处是吾乡
来源:我苏网   2018-12-19 14:57:00
Dominic Landry,加拿大人。2004年,他因为一个偶然的机会来到南京,成为南京市第一幼儿园的一名外籍教师。


  他们,来自不同的国家,有着不同的文化背景,但却缠绕着一种中国情结;他们,因不同的梦想而来,栖居在不同领域,却都充满了对梦想的追求、对事业的执著和对江苏的挚爱。他们的故事,汇聚在一起,便成为时代的缩影。12月17日起,江苏国际频道联合荔枝新闻、我苏网,推出“My Jiangsu Story”《我的江苏故事》——庆祝改革开放40年特别策划,一起来听,他们的江苏故事。


   Dominic Landry

  Dominic Landry,加拿大人。2004年,他因为一个偶然的机会来到中国、来到南京,成为南京市第一幼儿园的一名外籍教师。平日里,Dominic兴趣广泛,对中国武术抱有浓厚的热情和兴趣,跟随少林师傅学习武术;2018年初,他还在南京开设了自己的瑜伽班……



  This bearded man walking out the first kindergarten of Nanjing, is called Dominic, or Dom, is a Canadian.


  Dom came to Nanjing in 2004, and since he’s been here, he found the career he’s devoted to--a kindergarten teacher, the city he’s in love with--Nanjing.

  “我在南京第一幼儿园工作,已经有十多年的时间了。 刚开始教这些孩子的时候,确实有很多问题和困难,但是现在我已经适应了。我陪他们做游戏、唱歌、跳舞,和他们用英语聊天。只要一到学校,看到这些小小的脸庞,听到他们对我说‘老师好’,我就不由自主地感到快乐,哪怕再糟糕的心情也会由阴转晴。” Dom对记者说。

  “I’ve been teaching in the kindergarten for ten years now. The challenge was there in the beginning definitely, but I’m used to it now.Playing, singing, dancing,having conversations with them. It doesn’t matter how bad a morning you have, when you get to the school and you see all the little faces, they say ‘hello teacher’, you can’t help but feeling happy.” Said Dom.

  学习中国武术是Dom从小就有的梦想。 在南京定居以后,他结识了习武十多年的武术教练史建虎,并成为了他最得意的门生之一。对这位外国徒弟,师父史建虎有着非常高的评价。

  Obsessed with Chinese Martial arts, Dom realized his childhood dream after coming to Nanjing and knowing Master Shi Jianhu. Practicing Kungfu in Shaolin Temple for years, master Shi speaks very highly of this foreign disciple.

  “他很专注。有时甚至在课间十分钟的时间里,也会积极询问我比如某个棍术、拳法的招式细节。我与他相识多年,能感受到他在慢慢地接受中国文化。 ”史建虎说。

  “Dom is very focused. Sometimes even in a 10-minute break, he’d call to make sure the details about a move in cudgel or fist position. I’ve known him for years, I can feel that he’s accepted Chinese culture.” Master Shi Jianhu told reporter.


  Helping Master Shi with Kungfu class, Dom usually has children in his class and teaches them some basic moves. The kids love their laowaishifu.

  “我喜欢紫霞湖。刚到南京的第一年,有一个朋友带我去了紫霞湖,我一下子就爱上了那里。我也喜欢南京很多其他地方。 这么多年下来,我唯一不习惯的是这里的潮湿气候,这种气候令我无论是在室内还是室外,都很容易流汗。不过即使如此,我依然深爱南京。”

  “Zixiahu (is)my favorite place. First year I was here, someone brought me there and I was just fell in love with it.I love many parts of Nanjing. The only thing I’m not used to it still after all the time, is maybe the weather, the humidity.Too humid. Even inside the house and out in the sun, you’re still sweating. But other than that, I love Nanjing.”

  2004年定居南京之后,Dom组建了自己的家庭。 Dom的女儿名叫Ziza,中文名杨末。她也是Dom武术班上的小学员,今年已经上小学四年级了。她跟妈妈学说中文,跟爸爸学说英语和法语。

  Settling down in Nanjing since 2004, Dom has his life and family here. This little girl in pink is Dom’s daughter, Ziza, or Yang Mo in Chinese. A fourth grader now, she’s also interested in Kungfu and one of the students in Dom’s class. She learns Chinese from mother and English and French from father.


  Besides teaching Kungfu, Dom also shares time with his yoga class almost every afternoon. Searching his inner self in the world of yoga,Dom experiences the integration of cultures from the east and the west.


  “I think I started it for fitness, and then the more I discovered about Yoga, the more it changed like a philosophy for me in the way of getting to know myself better.”

  十四年前,Dom从加拿大来到南京。作为江苏第一批幼儿外籍教师之一,这位“老外”十多年来始终热忱不减 ,把自己的时间和精力献给了幼儿园的孩子们,也由此建立起了自己与南京的情感纽带,找到了家一样的归属感。

  14 years ago, Dom came to Nanjing. As one of the first foreign teachers in Jiangsu, this “lao wai” from Canada, devotes his time and loyalty to the first Kindergarten of Nanjing and shares his special bond with the city he calls “home”.

  “此心安处是吾乡。我的家人在这儿、朋友在这儿,这里就是我的家” ,Dom说。

  “Home is where the heart is.I have my family here, my friends here. This is my home.” Dom said.




作为国内工业体量最大、配套最全、垂直整合能力最强的城市之一,苏州市坚持以科技创新为引领,点燃发展新质生产力的“新引擎” ,加快打造全球具有领先地位的“智造之城”。
4月17日,国家航天局举行新闻发布会,正式发布了2024 “中国航天日”宣传海报,并公布了一系列精彩纷呈的活动安排。
4月13日 - 18日 ,第四届中国国际消费品博览会在海口启幕。今年消博会首设三个分会场,其中在位于海口市国家帆船基地公共码头的国际游艇展分会场,参展游艇达250艘,境外船艇数量与品质创历史新高。
江苏农机企业正向更高端进发,加快速度扬帆“出海” !